FAQ: Why Grass Fed Beef?

Why Grass Fed Beef?

Benefits for the Animal, Farmer, Local Economy, Environment and most importantly the Consumer

Grass Fed Cattle: Our animals live their entire lives on pasture, eating a true natural grass diet which keeps them healthy without need of antibiotics or growth hormones. They live an average of 22 to 28 months versus the standard feedlot animal's 16 to 18 months.

Farmers and the local economy: Our steers are purchased directly from the Oregon farmers who finished them on grass under our finishing standards. This enables them to fill the finishing role that is normally done by large meat companies in distant feedlots, and capture that profit locally. Grass fed beef, whether done by OregonGrassFed or other small producers, typically keeps more of the profits closer to where the animals were raised.

Environment: Our finishing is done on fields using management intensive grazing and rotation. No feedlots are required. No carbon intensive grain farming is required. Transportation of the animals is minimized.

Grass Fed Beef Consumer: Healthy beef can only come from healthy animals who eat a great variety of grass from abundant pasture (compare our pastures to your beef providers pasture). See our nutrition page for the nutritional benefits. Our beef has balanced fats so it will digest easily, leaving you energized without a heavy feeling in your stomach. Also realize at OregonGrassFed we are only using young beef steers in the 22-28 month age range purchased back from my partner, after he finishes them on his irrigated pasture, for an average of $2000 each in 2015. The processing was completed at Mohawk Meats (USDA) with 14-day dry aging for an average cost of $540 each. Our margins on this product are low, meaning you get more quality food and less marketing magic for your food dollars.

3 of the last 4 steers for 2015.One of the Last 4 Steers of 2015